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Anju Marie Chandy

Anju Marie Chandy


Anju Marie Chandy is an experienced performing musician centered in Chicago. She received a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance with Jazz Studies Certificate and a secondary emphasis on violin from the University of Missouri, Columbia; she is now pursuing her Master of Music degree in Piano Performance from DePaul University. She frequently performs as a vocalist and multi-instrumentalist with experience in many different genres and styles.


  • LA/Southern California
  • Chicago/Midwest

Interested in touring?

  • Yes

Hireable as

  • Music Director/Conductor (Pianist)
  • Pit Musician (Keyboards)
  • Pit Musician (Other)
  • Audition Pianist
  • Class/Voice Lesson/Rehearsal Pianist

My Primary Instrument

  • Piano

My Instruments

  • Drums
  • Piano
  • Synth - keyboards
  • Viola
  • Violin
  • Violin - fiddle
  • Voice




  • She/Her